
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى عام

    منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى unit 12


    المساهمات : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 11/01/2011
    العمر : 30

    منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى  unit 12  Empty منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى unit 12

    مُساهمة  ABDOALGN الأربعاء يناير 12, 2011 12:37 am

    UNIT 12

    Key Vocab:

    balcony بلكونة block (n.) عمارة / مجموعة بنايات
    detached house (adj.) بيت منفصل semi-detached (adj.) بيت شبه منفصل
    outskirts (n.) ضواحي overlook يُطل علي / يتغاضي عن (خطأ)
    storey (n.) طابق thick (adj.) سميك
    view (n.) منظر concrete خرسانة
    conduct (v.) يوصل flat (adj.) مستوي
    high-tech (adj.) ذو تقنية عالية insulated (adj.) معزول
    lock (n.) (v.) قفل / يغلق / يحبس sloping (adj.) منحدر
    a block of flats عمارة multi-storey متعدد الطوابق
    a block of wood كتلة من الخشب a block of concrete كتلة من الخرسانة


    skyscraper ناطحة سحاب floor أرضية / طابق
    a main road طريق رئيس the countryside الريف
    city centre وسط المدينة bathroom الحمام
    air-conditioning تكييف هواء surface سطح
    bedroom غرفة نوم adults الكبار / البالغين
    inhabit يسكن price سعر
    prize جائزة pray يصلي
    break a promise لا يفي بوعده interpret يفسر / يترجم
    interpreter مترجم attitude موقف
    fantastic رائع traditional تقليدي
    guests الضيوف look surprised يبدو مندهشا
    architect مهندس معماري design تصميم / يصمم
    stairs السلالم flatten يسوي
    conduct an experiment يُجري تجربة conductor موصل / كمساري
    annoy يضايق disturb يزعج
    roof سطح المنزل location موقع
    traditions تقاليد customs عادات
    mud طين / طمي bricks طوب
    control تحكم / يتحكم imitate يقلد
    area = region منطقة climatic conditions الظروف المناخية
    weather conditions الظروف الجوية snow الثلج
    geography الجغرافيا heavy rain مطر غزير
    construct يبني / يشيد distributor موزع
    leaflet نشرة wrapper ورق تغليف
    choices اختيارات dieting الالتزام بنظام غذائي
    papyrus ورق البردي sophisticated متقدم
    wood pulp عجينة الخشب create pollution ينتج تلوث
    calendar تقويم (سنوي) a limited number عدد محدود
    meet our needs يفي باحتياجاتنا decimal system النظام العشري
    hieroglyphics الهيروغليفية coincidence مصادفة
    earthquakes الزلازل metal معدن
    metallic معدني glassy شبيه بالزجاج
    technology تكنولوجيا owners أصحاب / مُلاك
    cook a meal يطهي وجبة world-famous مشهور عالميا
    realize يدرك / يحقق informed ذو معرفة
    Upper Egypt صعيد مصر the ancient Egyptians قدماء المصريين
    a dream house منزل رائع الجمال confident واثق
    peaceful هادئ / مسالم relaxed مسترخي
    cupboard دولاب carpenter نجار
    lift مصعد / أسا نسير techniques أساليب
    methods طرق a five-storey block بناية مكونة من 5 طوابق
    fix يصلح / يثبت packet علبة
    cement أسمنت curved منحني
    hollow أجوف raised مرتفع
    materials مواد seasons فصول السنة
    autumn = fall الخريف possessions ممتلكات
    advanced متقدم income دخل
    local community مجتمع محلي rock salt ملح الصخور
    generate يُولد generation جيل
    immediately في الحال tower block برج سكني
    packaging التعبئة cyclist راكب دراجة
    hamburger هامبورجر flat roofs أسطح مستوية
    day-dreams أحلام يقظة the ground floor الطابق الأرضي
    home trade التجارة الداخلية foreign trade التجارة الخارجية

    Words and their antonyms:

    upper علوي lower سفلي
    upstairs الطابق العلوي downstairs الطابق السفلي
    sit يجلس stand يقف
    closed مغلق open مفتوح
    outside خارج inside داخل
    lock يغلق unlock يفتح
    useful مفيد useless غير مفيد
    dry جاف wet مبتل
    dangerous خطير safe آمن
    appear يظهر disappear يختفي
    careful حريص careless مهمل
    cheerful مرح / سعيد sad حزين
    calm هادئ noisy صاخب / كثير الضوضاء
    ancestors أسلاف / أجداد descendants أحفاد


    close to قريب من live with يعيش مع (شخص)
    live in يعيش في (مكان) sit on the balcony يجلس في البلكونة
    on the outskirts of في ضواحي .. live on يعيش علي (دخل أو طعام معين)
    keep out heat يمنع دخول الحرارة result in يؤدي إلي
    fall down يسقط suitable for مناسب لـ
    compare .. with يقارن..بـ reply to يرد علي
    respond to يرد علي / يستجيب لـ give up يقلع عن / يتوقف عن
    get in يدخل get out يخرج
    by mistake عن طريق الخطأ park in a garage يضع سيارته في الجراج
    park on the road يركن في الطريق bring back يعيد
    work out a sum يحل مسألة tend to يميل إلي
    a house with a garden منزل ذو حديقة

    Irregular Verbs:

    withstand/withstood/---- يتحمل repay/repaid/repaid يسدد
    pay/paid/paid يدفع rewrite/rewrote/ rewritten يعيد كتابة
    put/put/put يضع ride/rode/ridden يركب
    read/read/read يقرأ ring/rang/rung يرن
    rebuild/rebuilt/rebuilt يعيد بناء say/said/said يقول


    Verb Noun Adjective
    insulate يعزل insulation عزل insulated معزول
    isolate يفصل isolation فصل isolated منفصل
    conduct يوصل conduction توصيل
    conductor موصل conductive له القدرة علي التوصيل
    flatten يسوي flattening تسوية flat مستوي
    slope ينحدر slope انحدار sloping منحدر
    lock يغلق / يقفل lock قفل locked مغلق
    thicken يصبح سميكا thickness سُمك thick سميك

    Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

    census تعداد السكان birth control تحديد النسل
    death rate معدل الوفيات birth rate معدل المواليد
    life expectancy متوسط العمر المتوقع population explosion الانفجار السكاني
    labour force القوة العاملة urban areas المناطق الحضرية
    rural areas المناطق الريفية migration الهجرة
    slums الأحياء الفقيرة voluntary اختياري / تطوعي
    compulsory إجباري majority أغلبية
    minority أقلية family planning تنظيم الأسرة

    Language Notes

    •floor / land / ground / earth
    •Floor أرضية ●There weren't enough chairs, so I had to sit on the floor.
    •Land اليابسة / أرض تستخدم لغرض معين
    ●Desert land أرض صحراوية farming land أرض زراعية
    ●building land أراضي مخصصة للبناء
    •ground / الأرض التي نسير عليها أو ارض مخصصة لغرض معين
    ●While he was running, he fell to the ground.
    •Earth كوكب الأرض / تراب
    ●The moon goes round the earth. ●He covered the roots of the plant with earth.

    •Story قصة / storey طابق
    ●He told me a very boring story. ●We live in a five-storey building.

    •Middle منتصف (طريق / شارع / فترة زمنية)
    ●The middle of the street / the middle of the road / the middle of the century / in the middle of the night
    •Centre وسط / مركز ●City centre / town centre / the centre of attention

    •Overlook يطل علي= look over ●My flat overlooks the Nile.
    •Overlook يتغاضي عن ●I usually overlook his mistake because he's still too young.

    •View / scene / scenery / sight / sights
    •View منظر طبيعي (غالبا نراه من مكان معين)
    ●I want a room with a view of the sea
    •Scene مشهد (في مسرحية مثلا) / مكان وقوع حدث معين
    ●The police arrived at the scene of the accident / crime
    •Scenery مناظر طبيعية (جبال /وديان / أنهار / غابات)
    ●During the journey, they stopped to admire the scenery.

    •Sight البصر ●He lost his sight when he was 5 years old.
    •Sight (v) يتمكن من رؤية شيء فجأة ●After two months at sea, the sailors sighted land.
    •Sights المعالم الهامة التي تستحق الزيارة ●If you come to London, I'll show you the sights.

    •Move = move in يغير سكنه / ينتقل لسكن جديد (لا يأتي بعدها مفعول)
    ●He didn't like his house, so he decided to move.
    •move into + مفعول ●He decided to move into a new house

    •Marry = get married بدون مفعول
    •Marry = get married to + مفعول
    ●He married / got married in 1995. ●She married ( got married to) her cousin.

    •Weather الطقس (حالة الجو لفترة قصيرة )
    •climate المناخ (حالة الجو في مكان معين علي مدار العام)
    ●The weather is expected to be hot tomorrow. ●Britain has a temperate معتدل climate.

    •insulate : يغطي بمادة عازلة للصوت أو الكهرباء أو الحرارة
    ●These wires are insulated. معزول
    ●It’s too cold outside, but this building is well insulated.
    •isolate : يفصل شيء أو شخص عن أخر
    ●People who have infectious diseases أمراض معدية are often isolated from others.

    •Whereas = but في حين أن (أداة ربط تدل علي التناقض بين الجملتين)
    ●He must be about 60, whereas his wife looks much younger.

    •Why is/are …important? = What is the importance of…?
    ●Why are trees important? = What is the importance of trees?

    •Stay + adj. يبقي / يظل •Stay cool / stay alive / stay awake يظل مستيقظا

    •Get in يدخل (بدون مفعول) •get into يدخل (بعدها مفعول)
    ●The door was locked, so she couldn't get in.
    ●The door was locked, so he got into the house through the window.
    •لاحظ عدم تكرار الاسم إذا جاءت قبله كلمة one ونستخدم بدل الاسم كلمة another
    ● From street to street / From one street to another
    •Mind + V-ing يمانع ●Do you / Would you mind opening the window?

    Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
    Choose the correct answer:
    1- In hot countries, buildings often have (thin – stick – black – thick) walls to keep people cool
    2- On cool evenings, people who live in flats like to sit out on their (ceiling – wall – balcony- block) and read.
    3- Many supermarkets are built on the (outskirts – outlets – outlooks – outlines) of towns and cities.
    4- I've always wanted to live in a building that (overcomes – oversees – overlooks – overweighs) a football ground so that I can watch matches without leaving the flat.
    5- A (multi-story / multinational / multidimensional / multimedia) car park has many levels.
    6- The (thickness – sickness – stiffness – fitness) of walls in my house helps to keep us cool in summer.
    7- I'm ready to (overhear – overheat – overlook – overtime) his behaviour this time.
    8- This house is joined to another house on only one side. It is a semi-(final – detached – circle – colon) house.
    9- A (tower – shower – blower – drawer) block is a building divided into flats or offices.
    10- (Carbohydrate – Concrete – Certificate – Accumulate) is usually used for building.
    11- This metal (infects – constructs – deducts – conducts) electricity.
    12- Much of the countryside is (concrete – flat – detached – attached). It has no high areas.
    13- The animal's thick fur provides very good (insulation - isolation – anticipation – decoration) against the arctic cold.
    14- This electric wire is (activated – adapted – insulated – affected). It is covered with plastic.
    15- In places where there is a lot of rain or snow, hoses usually have (stopping – sloping – flat – concrete) roofs.
    16- In Egypt, where there is little rain, most houses have (bending – brick – high – flat) roofs.
    17- A lot of buildings in Egypt are made of bricks and (concrete – wool – fur – rocks).
    18- Some houses do not (corrupt – instruct - conduct – detect) heat well, so the inside stays cool.
    19- Modern houses can be very high-(tech – trick – brick – stick).
    20- We couldn't get into our house because the doors were (checked – close – locked – open).

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- Some houses are very cold because they have no roof installation.
    2- The whole area was fattened by the storm.
    3- It took us several minutes to overlook the front door and get in.
    4- Biography plays a vital role in building design.
    5- Copper commits electricity better than other materials do.
    6- This block of flats is twenty stairs high.
    7- The Pyramids took a long time to conduct.
    8- People sometimes think in a similar way to their descendants.
    9- He used the close control to turn off the TV.
    10- Buildings with thick walls keep on the heat.



    •ضمائر الفاعل هي: I – You – He – She – It – We – They
    •وهي تستخدم كفاعل للجملة: ●She studies hard. ●I visited my friend.
    •ضمائر المفعول هي: me – you – him – her – it – us – them
    •وهي تستخدم كمفعول للجملة وتأتي أيضا بعد حروف الجر:
    ●I saw him yesterday. ●I gave a present to him.
    •صفات الملكية ويأتي بعدها اسم و هي: my – your – his – her – its – our – their
    ●My brother is a doctor. ●This is her bag.
    •ضمائر الملكية وتستخدم بدون اسم بعدها وهي: mine – yours – his – hers – ours – theirs
    ●This book is mine. ●This house is theirs.
    لاحظ أننا نستخدم هذه الضمائر بعد a friend of
    He is a friend of mine. = He is my friend.
    She is a friend of yours. = She is your friend.
    •ملاحظات عامة علي استخدام الضمائر:
    1- لاحظ أن its للملكية و يأتي بعدها اسم: ●The dog moved its tail. ●The cat ate its food.
    • في حين أن it's تكون اختصار it is إذا جاء بعدها اسم أو صفة أو فعل منتهي بـ ing
    ●It's beautiful. It's raining. It's a new car.
    •وتكون it's اختصار it has إذا جاء بعدها التصريف الثالث:
    ●It's rained for two days.
    2- الضمير it يستخدم لغير العاقل المفرد وفي حالة الجمع نستخدم they / them
    ●I bought 4 books. They are very useful.
    3- لاحظ استخدام الضمير it للتعبير عن الزمن و المسافة و الطقس:
    ●It is hot in this room. What time is it?
    4- يستخدم الضمير one بمعني المرء وتدل علي الناس بصفة عامة ويمكن استخدام you بدلا منها:
    ●One/You must be careful when driving a car.
    •وفي حالة الملكية نستخدم one's ويمكن استخدام your بدلا منها:
    ●It is easy to lose one's / your way in New York.
    •ويمكن استخدام one بدلا من تكرار اسم مفرد يعد وفي حالة الجمع نستخدم ones :
    ●I'm looking for a flat. I'd like a small one.
    ●Green apples often taste better than red ones.
    ●I've got two books. Which one would you like?
    5-لاحظ صيغة السؤال التالية عن الملكية:
    ●Whose book is this? = Who does this book belong to?
    ●It's my book. = It's mine. / It's hers.

    Reflexive Pronouns

    الضمائر المنعكسة هي:

    Singular مفرد: myself yourself herself himself itself
    Plural جمع : ourselves yourselves themselves

     يستخدم الضمير المنعكس عندما يكون المفعول و الفاعل واحد:
     He hurt himself.  He bought himself a mew shirt.
     She looked at herself in the mirror.
     Hala cut herself when she was peeling يقشر the potatoes.
     I don’t want you to pay for me. I’ll pay for myself.
     يستخدم الضمير المنعكس للتأكيد ويأتي إما بعد الفاعل أو بعد المفعول:
     I myself did the job. / I did the job myself.
     ‘Who mended your bike?’ ‘Nobody. I repaired it myself.
     I am not going to do your homework. You’ll have to do it yourself.

    يستخدم الضمير المنعكس بعد by بمعني "بمفرده " أو "بدون مساعدة" :

    by myself = on my own = alone / without any help

     I went to the cinema on my own. = alone
     Do you go to school by yourself? = alone
     Did you paint that picture on your own? = without any help
     I learned to use this computer by myself. = without any help
     The machine works by itself. = alone
     He lives on his own. = alone / by himself
     لا تستخدم الضمائر المنعكسة بعد أفعال معينة مثل :

    approachيقترب من complain يشكو dress يلبس
    rememberيتذكر restيستريح relax يسترخي
    shave يحلق washيغسل worry يقلق
    wake upيستيقظ lie downينام undressيخلع ملابسه
    wonder يتساءل stand upيقف sit downيجلس

     لا تستخدم الضمائر المنعكسة بعد حروف الجر الخاصة بالموقع أو المكان أو الاتجاه:
     She put her bag next to her.  The car was coming fast towards him.
     She took her dog with her.
    يمكن أن نستخدم الضمائر المنعكسة بعد حروف الجر after / for / on
    The children are old enough to look after themselves.
    Try to depend on yourself.
     لاحظ الفرق بين : On his own Of his own &
    on his own = alone / without help
     My aunt lives on her own.  Don’t help him. Let him do it on his own.

    Of his own = belonging to him and to no one else تدل علي الملكية
     I’d like to have a car of my own.  He’s got no ideas of his own.
     لاحظ أن الضمير المنعكس للضمير one هو oneself
     One hopes that one’s children will be more successful than oneself.

    Idioms with reflexive pronouns: تعبيرات معينة تستخدم فيها الضمائر المنعكسة

     Enjoy yourself = have a good time
     Help yourself = take what you want
     Make yourself at home. = behave freely as if it were your own home
     He made a name for himself. = He became famous أصبح مشهورا
     Take care of yourself
     Behave yourself = be polite /behave well كن مهذبا

    Choose the correct answer:
    1- Did you both hurt (yourself – yourselves – herself – themselves)?
    2- The dog barked on seeing (it – its – itself – herself) in a mirror.
    3- This book isn't (they – them – there's – theirs). It's ours.
    4- Make (themselves – yourself – you – your) a cup of tea.
    5- The girl is feeling faint. Take (herself – yourself – hers – her) to hospital.
    6- The house (themselves – itself – yourself- myself) is nice, but the garden is very small.
    7- We wanted to buy the table, but (it's – it – itself – its) surface was damaged.
    8- We got out of the water and dried (us – we – ourselves – themselves).
    9- I am going to the shops to get (myself – herself – themselves – yourselves) some tennis shoes.
    10- I love you for (yourself – itself – oneself – themselves), not for your money.
    11- I (showered – showered myself – showered by myself – showered to myself) and dressed in ten minutes.
    12- We didn't ask for help. We did all the work (myself – yourself – ourselves – yourselves).
    13- Our house is not as modern as (her – your – their – hers).
    14- Is this your brother's bike? No, it's (his – him – me – mine).
    15- If you see Ali, can you tell (he – his – him – them) to phone me tomorrow.
    16- The woman looked surprised when she saw (herself – itself – himself- ourselves) in the mirror.
    17- She fell down the stairs, but she didn't (hurt – hurt her – hurt herself – hurt hers).
    18- Peter fell off his bike, but he wasn't (hurt – hurt himself – hurting – hurt itself).
    19- Sally, did you and Mona paint the room (yourself – yourselves – themselves – herself)?
    20- Hala (cut – had cut – cut herself – cut themselves) on a piece of glass.
    21- The house (it – its – itself – themselves) is nice, but it is in a emote area.
    22- Would you like to try the new car out (itself – myself – yourself – oneself)?
    23- Ahmed is a great friend of (me – I – mine – my).
    24- You both must do the job by (you – your – yourself – yourselves).
    25- Take an umbrella with (you – yourself – your – yours) in case it rains.

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- We designed our house by itself.
    2- This car belongs to our neighbours. It's them.
    3- People live in houses to protect ourselves from the weather.
    4- This machine is automatic. It works by himself.
    5- This is not your camera. It's him.
    6- There house is so big.
    7- The dog moved it's tail when it saw me.
    8- The job herself is good but the boss is unkind.
    9- Can you introduce your, please?
    10- Please help myself to more tea.

    • الروابط الدالة على الغرض:
    can / may / will + inf. في حالة المضارع
    could / might / would + inf. في حالة الماضي
    لاحظ حذف الأفعال want / desire / intend عند استخدام so that

    ● Students go to school. They want to learn. (so that)
    Students go to school so that they can learn.
    ● He opened the door. He wanted to see who was outside.(so that)
    He opened the door so that he could see who was outside.
    وبدلا من so that يمكن استخدام
    In order to / to / so as to + inf.
    ● Students go to school so as to learn.
    ● He opened the door in order to see who was outside.

    Choose the correct answer:
    1- He went to London (in order to – so that – so as – that) attend the conference.
    2- He trains very hard (that – so that – in order to – so as to) win the race.
    3- She works overtime (in order – so as to – so that – that) she can earn more money.
    4- He wore black glasses so that nobody (may – should – will – could) recognize him.
    5- We decided to save up some money (in order to – as to – so as – so that) buy a new car.

    Communication Skills
    Questions & Answers
    What type of house would you choose? I'd choose a modern high-tech house.

    Where would your dream house be? It would be near the city centre.

    Would you prefer a house or a flat? I'd really like a flat.

    Test on Unit 12

    A- Language Functions
    1- Respond to each of the following situations:
    1- You want to know where your friend would really like to live. What is your question?
    2- Your friend asks you whether your dream house would be modern or traditional. What do you answer?
    3- You want to know what type of home your friend would choose. What do you ask?
    4- Your friend wants to know where your dream house would be. What do you answer?

    3- Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:
    1- A. How quickly can you get me to the airport ?
    B : It's a 40-minute drive using the 6th of October bridge.
    A : Can't you get there faster ? I'm very late.
    B : I know a shortcut that will get you there in 30 minutes and that
    will be for the same fare.
    A: Thank you very much for your help. Lets go.

    2- A. I'd like to deposit LE 50 to my savings account, please.
    B. Of course. Just complete one of these forms and
    return to this counter.
    A. Where can 1 fill in this form ?
    B ? You can stand here on the side next to the queue.

    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3- Choose the correct answer:
    1- Children sometimes hurt (them – themselves – himself – ourselves) when they are playing.
    2- They are building hundreds of new houses on the (outskirts – centre – roads – blocks) of the city.
    3- My friend lives in a flat which (sees –watches – overlooks – looks) the market. It's always very noisy.
    4- The opposite of thin is (big – large – thick – sick).
    5- A (balcony – floor – ground – roof) is a small area outside an upstairs window where people can sit or stand.
    6- A (few – view – sign – signal) is everything you can see from a place.
    7- A (story – novel – storey – ground) is a level of a building.
    8- (Outdoors – Indoors – Outweighs – Outskirts) are parts of a city that are furthest from the centre.
    9- A/An (rushed – enriched – detached – attached) house is one that is not joined to another house.
    10- A (block – brick – check – click) is a large building with many homes in it.
    11- The door of this room sometimes opens (himself – themselves – by itself – oneself).
    12- My brothers hurt (ourselves – themselves – himself – yourselves) on a broken door.
    13- You should take your umbrella. (It – Its – It's – They're) raining outside.
    14- Do these keys belong to you? –No, they are (she – them – their – theirs).
    15- Is this computers (you – you're – your – yours)?
    16- Is she the owner of that red car? No, it's (me – mine – I – my).

    4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- The flat overlooking the park belongs to ours.
    2- The children cooked their meal by them.
    3- He owns a beautiful flat in London on the third ground.
    4- They live in an attached house. They don't have any close neighbours.
    5- The block of flats where he lives has eight stories.
    6- Its the best book I've ever read.
    C- Reading Comprehension
    5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
    Picture the scene: a young woman is walking to her car in a multi-storey car park late at night. Suddenly, a man jumps out at her from behind a column. She performs some fancy moves, kicks him and while he is on the floor, she jumps into her car and drives away unharmed.

    This scenario should teach you that real life is nothing like in films. To stay safe, avoid a potential attack before it happens by using your common sense. This means: don’t go out alone at night, stay in well lit areas, make sure someone always knows where you are, walk with confidence and carry a mobile phone with you.

    If you do find yourself in a dangerous situation, where you are being threatened, try to defuse it. That is, try not to make the situation worse by trying to fight. The best defence is to remove yourself from the situation. Calmly walk away, run as fast as you can or, eventually, you can use your force.
    A. Answer the following questions:
    1- What is the writer’s purpose in writing this text?
    2- What precautions should we take to avoid dangerous situations?
    3- How should a person react when he feels threatened?

    B. Choose the correct answer:
    4-Attackers look for people who ------------------.
    a) have mobile phones b)are confident
    c) are aware of their surroundings d) are easy targets
    5-A person who is unable to protect himself is ------------------
    a) potential b) lazy c) defenseless d) unharmed

    7- Read the passage then answer the questions:
    Psychologists have been coming up with lots of theories about motivation. They have been busy answering questions on what it is , where it comes from and why some people suffer from a lack of it while others have far too much of it.

    Professor Cooper found that a large percentage of successful people had lost a parent, had been left by a parent or suffered other tragic loss before the age of eighteen. Cooper claimed that their reason for seeking success is not to achieve power over others, but to gain control over what is happening in their lives.

    Here are some tips to help boost your motivation. Firstly, eat well and exercise. Secondly, it is useful to define your goals by writing them down. Thirdly, hang around positive people. If the people you spend your free time with are constantly complaining about life, may be it’s better you looked for new companions. By putting these ideas into practice, you will enjoy higher levels of motivation and a better quality of life.

    A. Answer the following questions:
    1. Do people, according to psychologists, have similar levels of motivation for success? Explain.
    2. Why do people who suffered in their childhood seek success?
    3. Why is it important to have cheerful confident friends?
    B. Choose the right answer:
    4. According to research by Professor Cooper, a huge number of successful people………….
    a) had good parents b) had suffered the loss of a loved one in childhood
    b) were orphans d) wanted to have power over other people
    5. What helps people determine what they would like to achieve?
    a) eating well and exercising b) spending time with positive people
    c) sleeping well d) making a note of it
    D- Writing
    8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
    Write a letter to your friend Ramy who has been ill for several days. Tell him how you are going to help him with the lessons he missed and arrange a time for visiting him with your school friends. Your name is Tamer and you live at 12 Ali Fahmy Street, Banha.

    9- A)Translate into Arabic:
    A skyscraper is a very tall building with many floors, usually built in cities where the cost of land is high. The first skyscraper was built in New York in 1868, and now there are lots in other cities. Can building skyscrapers in our cities be possible and will it help to solve the serious problem of housing?

    B) Translate into English:
    1- تحدث الكثير من الزلازل في اليابان ولذلك فإن معظم المنازل هناك تصنع من الخشب.
    2- تبذل الدولة جهودا مضنية لحل مشكلات الإسكان والمواصلات في مصر.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 21, 2024 12:20 am