
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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    منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى unit 17


    المساهمات : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 11/01/2011
    العمر : 29

    منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى  unit 17  Empty منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى unit 17

    مُساهمة  ABDOALGN الأربعاء يناير 12, 2011 12:41 am

    UNIT 17

    Key Vocab:

    anthropology علم دراسة الإنسان award جائزة (رسمية) - يمنح
    cautionary tale قصة تحذيرية director مخرج / مدير
    interference تدخـل producer منتج
    remarkable رائع / ملحوظ / غير عادي produce يُنتج
    fence سور set up ينشئ
    survivor ناجي billionaire من أصحاب البلايين
    alarm = alarm system جهاز إنذار mainland البر الرئيسي
    interfere يتدخل create يخلق


    strain = breed سلالة أو نوع state of fear حالة خوف
    park محمية genetic engineering الهندسة الوراثية
    global warming الاحتباس الحراري scientific experiments تجارب علمية
    infect يُصيب بالعدوى infection عدوي
    danger خطر endanger يُعرض للخطر
    deserve يستحق admiration إعجاب
    deliberately عمدا / عن قصد noticeable ملحوظ
    copy نسخة train as a doctor يتدرب كطبيب
    excitement إثارة a brilliant student طالب متميز
    human beings البشر germs جراثيم
    paleontology علم دراسة الحفريات paleontologist عالم في دراسة الحفريات
    fire alarm جهاز إنذار ضد الحريق alarm clock منبه
    forms of life أشكال الحياة prehistoric ما قبل التاريخ
    fossils حفريات inhabit يسكن
    safely بأمان organisation مؤسسة / منظمة
    avoid يتجنب a pack of animals قطيع من الحيوانات
    the lost world العالم المفقود genetically engineered ناتج عن طريق الهندسة الوراثية
    live naturally يعيش بشكل طبيعي make improvements يُحسن
    scientific research الأبحاث العلمية beliefs معتقدات
    customs عادات / الجمارك argue يجادل
    wildlife الحياة البرية feed / fed / fed يُطعم
    nuclear energy الطاقة النووية nuclear radiation الإشعاع النووي
    nuclear waste النفايات النووية create problems يخلق مشكلات
    food production إنتاج الغذاء improve human health يُحسن صحة الإنسان
    aspects of life جوانب الحياة wooden posts أعمدة خشبية
    upright معتدل / مستقيم enclose يُرفق / يحيط بـ
    era عصر / حقبة violence العنف
    illegal غير قانوني space travel السفر للفضاء
    seize يمسك / ستولي علي it is too late فات الأوان
    notably وخصوصا ivory tower برج عاجي

    Words and their antonyms:

    in general بصفة عامة in particular بصفة خاصة
    famous مشهور unknown = obscure غير معروف / مغمور
    global عالمي local محلي
    mature ناضج immature غير ناضج
    immense هائل tiny ضئيل
    improve يُحسن / يتحسن worsen يسوء / يصبح أسوأ
    pure نقي impure غير نقي
    capable قادر incapable غير قادر
    destroy يدمر preserve يحافظ علي
    cautious حذر / حريص incautious غير حذر
    regular منتظم irregular غير منتظم
    direct مباشر indirect غير مباشر


    find information on the internet يجد معلومات على الانترنت threatened with extinction مهددة بالانقراض
    give instructions to يعطي تعليمات لـ become involved in يصح متورط في
    in the same way بنفس الطريقة off the coast قبالة الساحل
    turn off the alarm يُغلق جهاز الإنذار sail towards يبحر تجاه
    have the right to لديه الحق في related to مرتبط بـ
    have serious effects on لها تأثيرات خطيرة علي knock over يصدم أو يتسبب في سقوط
    divide ..into يُقســم..إلي introduce…to يقدم (شخص) إلى
    be fascinated by ينبهر بـ warn .. of /against يُحذر ..من

    Irregular Verbs:

    beget / begot / begotten ينجب / يسبب foretell / foretold / foretold يتنبأ بـ
    cast / cast / cast يلقي / يضع في قالب cling / clung / clung يتمسك
    dwell / dwelt / dwelt يسكن / يعيش flee / fled / fled يهرب


    Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
    caution يحذر caution حذر cautious حذِر / حريص cautiously بحرص
    direct يُخرج (فيلم) يدير / يوجه director مُخرج
    direction إخراج
    interfere يتدخل interference تدخُل
    produce ينتج producer مُنتج
    production إنتاج productive إنتاجي
    survive ينجو / يبقي علي قيد الحياة survivor ناجي
    survival البقاء / النجاة
    remark يعلق / يبدي ملاحظة remark تعليق / ملاحظة remarkable
    ملحوظ / رائع / غير عادي remarkably
    بشكل ملحوظ

    Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

    cautious optimism تفاؤل حذر bilateral ثنائي
    multilateral معدل متعدد الأطراف gross negligence إهمال جسيم
    blackmail يبتز / ابتزاز eye witness شاهد عيان
    unrest قلاقل security measures إجراءات أمنية
    infrastructure البنية التحتية extremism التطرف
    terrorist acts أعمال إرهابية domestic policy السياسة الداخلية
    foreign policy السياسة الخارجية return of capital عائد رأس المال
    superpower قوة عظمي weapons of mass destruction أسلحة الدمار الشامــل

    Language Notes

    • Award (n) جائزة تمنح عادة بصفة رسمية
    • She won the ‘Best Actress’ Award. جائزة أفضل ممثلة
    • He got the Academy Award for Best Director. جائزة الأكاديمية لأفضل مخرج

    •Award (give)(v) (يمنح (جائزة
    • Zewail was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
    •Reward (v) يكافئ / (n)مكافأة •He was rewarded for all his hard work.

    •Present = gift هدية • She got a nice present (gift) on her birthday.
    • Egypt is the gift (NOT present) of the Nile. مصر هبة النيـــــل
    •Prize: جائزة (نقدية أو رحلة مثلا) تمنح لشخص نجح في عمل شيء
    • The first prize is a weekend for two people in Honolulu.
    • She got the first prize in the race.

    • intend to + inf. ينوي / يقصد
    • She intended to get the early train, but she didn't get up in time.
    • be intended to + inf. •Be intended for + n. المقصود به / الهدف منه
    • This program is intended to help old people. • It is intended for old people.
    •لاحظ أن الأفعال الآتية يأتي بعدها بصفة عامة الفعل مضافا له ing:

    avoid يتجنب suggest يقترح
    enjoy يستمتع finish ينهي
    like يحب love يحب
    hate يكره dislike يكره
    prefer يفضل imagine يتخيل
    consider يفكر في involve يتضمن
    spend يقضي resist يقاوم
    include يشمل

    •لاحظ أن الأفعال الآتية يأتي بعدها to + inf. :

    agree يوافق decide يقرر
    expect يتوقع hope يأمل
    learn يتعلم offer يعرض
    plan يخطط promise يعد
    want يريد would like يريد
    would love يريد expect يتوقع
    ask يطلب plan يخطط
    deserve يستحق

    •بعد الأفعال begin / start نستخدم إما to + inf. أو فعل مضاف له ing
    • They started to build the house.
    • They started building the house.
    •عندما تكون الأفعال begin / start في المضارع المستمر أو الماضي المستمر يأتي بعدهما to + inf.
    • It is starting to rain.
    •تستخدم start فقط بمعني يبدأ في تشغيل (آلة مثلا) :
    • I can't start my car.
    •لاحظ استخدام فعل مضاف له ing بعد ما يلي:

    look forward to يتطلع إلي in addition to بالإضافة إلي
    be used to معتاد علي take to يعتاد علي
    contribute to يسهم في lead to يؤدي إلي

    Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
    Choose the correct answer:
    1- He trained (to be – being – to being – been) a film director.
    2- He (bears – borne – was born – was borne) in 1980.
    3- This novel is about genetic (engines – engineers – engineering – generations).
    4- (Local – International – World – Global) warming is a very serious problem.
    5- A (user – producer – director – manager) is a person who controls the making of a TV programme.
    6- A (user – producer – director – manager) is someone who gives instructions to film actors.
    7- A (revolutionary – cautionary – secondary – summary) tale is a story that warns people of something.
    8- (Interruption – Independence – Interference – Reference) means getting involved in a situation when you are not wanted.
    9- She got the Academy (gift – present – souvenir – award) for best actress.
    10- (Paleontology – Archaeology – Anthropology – Egyptology) is the study of people, their beliefs and customs.
    11- This man has a (remarkable – regrettable – removable - reusable) memory. He has the ability to remember things in great detail after seeing them.
    12- They always (forward – backward – ward – award) medals to the first, second and third athletes in a race.
    13- A (millionaire – billionaire – questionnaire – chauffeur) is someone who has a billion or more pounds or dollars.
    14- He decided to (sit – seat – set – sat) up a company that makes furniture.
    15- A (survivor – conductor – ambassador – ancestor) is someone who continues to live after an accident.
    16- To (abbreviate – accommodate - create - advocate) is to make something happen or develop.
    17- A (defence – licence – fence – substance) is used to enclose an area of land.
    18- An (arm – army – inform – alarm) is a loud noise or light which warns people of danger.
    19- He's very rich, but I don't think he is a (solitaire – billionaire – wealth – fortune) yet.
    20- This year, my brother is (sitting – standing - setting – settling) up a computer repair business.
    21- He tried to avoid (meeting – to meeting – to meet – meets) his boss.
    22- He deserved (get – getting – to get – gets) the first prize.
    23- My job doesn't include (make – making – makes – to make) coffee for the boss.
    24- I'd like (buying – to buying – to buy – buy) a new computer.
    25- Genetic engineering can lead to (improve – improving – improves – improved) food production.

    Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
    1- We have a smoke arm in our kitchen to warn us in case of fire.
    2- There were over 100 survival of the crash, but 50 people died.
    3- Zoos have lenses to keep animals in and to keep people out.
    4- He needs a great deal of money to reduce the film.
    5- A psychologist studies prehistoric forms of life.
    6- You should be curious while driving your car or you'll have an accident.
    7- Dr. Zewail got several international rewards for his achievements.
    8- We should stop referring with nature.
    9- The boat sailed towards the main ground of France.
    10- Many wild animals are threatened with extension.


    Passive Questions

    • عند تحويل السؤال إلي المبني للمجهول نتبع ما يلي:
    (1) نحول السؤال إلى جملة
    (2) نحول الجملة إلى المبنى للمجهول
    (3) ثم نحول الجملة التي تم بنائها للمجهول إلى صيغة سؤال عن طريق تقديم الفعل المساعد أو الناقص على الفاعل

    • Did she send the letter? (1) She sent the letter. (2) The letter was sent. (3) Was the letter sent?

    • How many applicants did the manager interview?
    (1) The manager interviewed applicants.
    (2) Applicants were interviewed. (3) How many applicants were interviewed?

    • Have they delivered the washing machine?
    (1) They have delivered the washing machine.
    (2) The washing machine has been delivered.
    (3) Has the washing machine been delivered?
    • أو نتبع القواعد الآتيــة:

    •إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بـ do / does (مضارع بسيط)
     am / is / are + مفعول + PP.

    Do they sell cars here? Are cars sold here?
    • إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بـdid (ماضي بسيط )

     Was / Were + مفعول + PP.

    Did she steal the money? Was the money stolen?
     Where did she hide the money? Where was the money hidden?

     Present Continuous: مضارع مستمر
    Am /Is / Are + مفعول + being + PP.

    Are they cleaning the room? Is the room being cleaned?
    Why are they building the bridge? Why is the bridge being built?

     Past Continuous: ماضي مستمر
    Was / Were + مفعول + being +PP.

    Were they repairing the road? Was the road being repaired?

     Present Perfect مضارع تام
    Have / Has + مفعول + been + PP

    Has she sent the letters? Have the letters been sent?

     Past Perfect: ماضي تام
    Had + مفعول + been + PP.

    When had Peter done the exercise?
    When had the exercise been done?

     Modal Verbs (في حالة الأفعال الناقصة)
    Will / Can / May / Should….+ مفعول + be + PP.

     When should they do the job? When should the job be done?

     When will they repair the windows?
    When will the windows be repaired?
    • في حالة وجود Who ، تستخدم by في نهاية السؤال المبني للمجهول
     Who invented the radio?
    Who was the radio invented by?
    By whom was the radio invented?

    The infinitive form of passive verbs

    •عند تحويل المصدر للمبني للمجهول:
    •في حالة المصدر بعد الأفعال الناقصة ، نستخدم في المجهول be + PP. + فعل ناقص
    •We can see the Great Wall of China from space.
    The Great Wall of China can be seen from space.
    •في حالة وجود to + inf. نستخدم في المجهول to be + PP. :
    •He wanted us to tell him the truth.
    He wanted to be told the truth.

    •I'd like you to introduce me to the new manager.
    I'd like to be introduced to the new manager.
    •في حالة وجود to have + PP. نستخدم في المجهول to have been + PP.
    •He seems to have done the job.
    The job seems to have been done.

    •The man was believed to have forged the papers.
    The papers were believed to have been forged.
    •في حالة وجود فعل مضاف له ing نستخدم في المبني للمجهول being + PP.
    •I remember my friends inviting me to their parties.
    I remember being invited by my friends to their parties.

    •I don't like people telling me what to do.
    I don't like being told what to do.

    •He went into the building without anyone seeing him.
    He went into the building without being seen (by anyone).
    •اذا كانت الجملة في الماضي التام بعد after / as soon as نستخدم في المجهول :

     Having been + PP.

    •After they had freed the dinosaurs from the island, they destroyed many buildings.
    Having been freed from the island, the dinosaurs destroyed many buildings.

    •As soon as she had told him the news, he fainted.
    Having been told the news, he fainted.
    بعض الملاحظات علي المبني للمجهول:
    لاحظ أن فعل have يُستبدل في المبني للمجهول بفعل آخر يساويه في المعني:
    She had an exam yesterday. = An exam was taken yesterday.
    I have two cups of tea every morning. = Two cups of tea are drunk…
    I had a letter from my friend. = A letter was received from …
    لاحظ أن الأفعال التي لا يأتي معها مفعول لا تُستخدم في المبني للمجهول:
    She escaped from prison.

    Choose the correct answer:
    1- More than 150 million copies of Michael Crichton's books (have sold - have been sold – has been sold – will sell).
    2- John Lange was one of the names which (used – had used - was used – would use) by Michael Crichton.
    3- Crichton often (is often included - included - was often included – has often been included – including) scientific subjects in his stories.
    4- The Andromeda Strain (written – wrote – is written - was written) in 1969.
    5- It is a frightening story about ordinary people who (caught - were caught – were catching – was caught) diseases from space.
    6- The windows (has been smashed – was smashed – have been smashed – smashing).
    7- Two hundred people (rescue – rescued – will rescue – were rescued).
    8- He avoided (seeing – being seen – to see – to be seen) by the policeman.
    9- She would like (to be employed – employing – employ – to employ) as a secretary.
    10- (Having arrested – Having to arrest – Having arresting – Having been arrested) for murder, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
    11- The woman stole some money without (seeing – to see – seen – being seen) by the shop owner.
    12- This actor seems (to admire – to have been admired – admiring – to admiring) by everyone.
    13- The man asked (to give – to giving – to be given – be given) a chance to prove his innocence.
    14- Where (do – does – did – were) the two new hospitals built?
    15- How much (paid – will pay – was paid – is paying) for the dress?
    16- When (does – did – have – has) the shopping been done?
    17- (Is – Are – Have – Do) the applicants being interviewed at the moment?
    18- Who (was – did – has – were) State of Fear written by?
    19- Why (did – has – was – does) your neighbour been arrested last night?
    20- Information about genetic engineering (can find – could find – can be found – are found) on the internet.
    21- Language that is too difficult for ordinary people (is using – used – has used – is used) by scientists.
    22- He wrote about global warming in a way that (can understand – could be understood – could understand – will understand) by ordinary people.
    23- Many people (introduce – are introducing – were introduced – is introduced) to the dangers of genetic engineering.
    24- Nuclear radiation (can lead – can be led – are leading – will be led) to serious diseases.
    25- (Had – Have – Has – Did) you ever been awarded a prize?

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- In what ways can human affected by science?
    2- He awarded a prize for one of his novels.
    3- He writes about humans be infected by germs.
    4- This island inhabits only by birds.
    5- This scientific report can understand by ordinary people.
    6- What must done to solve this problem?
    7- Where have the jewels kept?
    8- When were they held the conference?
    9- He hopes to promote to general manager.
    10- Has been given the first prize, he invited all his friends to lunch.

    Communication Skills

    Making Comparisons

    •Compared to books, films are really fast moving.
    •You can't compare books and films. Books are much more/less interesting.
    •There's no comparison. Films are much more/less exciting.
    •I think that films are more exciting than films.
    •In my opinion, films can't include the details of books.
    •If you ask me, the film wasn't as good as the book.

    Test on Unit 17

    1- Respond to each of the following situations:
    1- You have just seen the film of a book you like. You did not enjoy the film as much as the book. A friend asks you what you thought of the film.
    2- Someone asks you to compare books and films. You don't think it's possible to compare the two. Films are much more exciting for you. What do you say?
    3- A friend asks your opinion about a film director he or she likes. You don't agree with your friend.
    4- You want to know what your friend likes about this director's films. What do you say?

    1- Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:
    1- A. How much is that vacuum cleaner?
    B : It's 2000 pounds.
    A : O.K. I'll buy it.

    2- A. I'd like to get a visa to Spain, please.
    B. How long do you intend to stay?
    A. Three months.

    3- Choose the correct answer:
    1- He is still writing books at the age of 80. He is a (readable – respectable – regretful – remarkable) man.
    2- When I was a child, my father once told me a (careless – cautionary – carefully – monetary) tale about a boy who didn't tell the truth.
    3- It is not a good idea to (refer – infer – interfere – defer) when two of your friends are arguing.
    4- Alfred Hitchcock is one of the world's most famous (film directors – lie detectors – metal detectors – mine detectors).
    5- I'm interested in people's beliefs. That's why I want to study (geology – biology – zoology – anthropology) at university.
    6- I'd like to be a television (manager – producer – director – administrator). I've got some ideas for new programmes.
    7- I don't know why, but the roads were (rapidly – recklessly – legally – remarkably) quiet this morning.
    8- My father is a very (careless – cautious – ambitious – anxious) driver. He never drives dangerously.
    9- I expect (give – given – to be given – being given) a rise next week.
    10- Do you want to (woke – to be woken – be woken – waking) up early in the morning?
    11- These carpets need (to clean – clean – being cleaning – to be cleaned).
    12- I hate (giving – being given – to give – be given) orders by other people.
    13- She insisted on (seeing – to see – seen – being seen) by the Prime Minister.
    14- I remember (being taken – taking – taken – to take) to the national theatre when I was young.
    15- (Have seen – Has seen – Having seen – Had seen) the robbers break into the building, she called the police.
    16- (Having written – Having been written – Had written – Have to write) in a hurry, the letter was completely unreadable.

    4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- He sit up a company that sells computers.
    2- We had an armed system installed in our house.
    3- Youssef Chahine is a famous film detector.
    4- Having interviewed for two hours, she was accepted for the job.
    5- He disguised himself so as not to recognize by the police.
    6- New cities could build in the desert.

    5- Read the passage then answer the questions:

    It is impossible in the modern world for a man of science to say with any honesty, “My business is to provide knowledge and what use is made of the knowledge is not my responsibility”. The knowledge that a man of science provides may fall into the hands of evil men. Institutions that follow completely unworthy aims may seize the scientist’s findings. Men of science can’t altogether prevent this
    Men of science can emphasize the value of those branches of science which have beneficial uses rather than harmful ones. Imagine what might be done if the money at present spent on arms and weapons were spent on increasing the world’s food supply and reducing the pressure of population. In ten or twenty years, poverty and hunger could be ended.
    As the world becomes more unified by technology, life in an ivory tower becomes increasingly impossible. The scientist can no longer cut himself off from the rest of human activity. Scientists have to show courage in order to prevent disaster.

    A. Answer the following questions:
    1- What can happen to the knowledge that a man of science provides?
    3- How should the money spent on arms and weapons be used?
    3- Why is life in an ivory tower impossible?
    B. Choose the correct answer:
    4- The underlined word “this” in the first paragraph refers to……
    a) making discoveries b)providing knowledge
    c) seizing findings d) preventing discoveries
    5-A man of science in the modern world should be …………
    a) dangerous b) risky c) inventive d)courageous

    6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
    Video and television are responsible for the declining interest in reading among the young. They do nothing to build up reading skills. If some of the hours children spend watching television were devoted to reading, the population would be better educated.
    Watching a story is a totally passive pastime. Someone else has made the decisions about everything in the story. Reading a story is an active partnership between writer and reader. Ideas are sketched and the mind of the reader creates the rest. Watching something is easier.
    The problem is that many children read very slowly. They decode a page or two in a class and about the same again for homework. Such children declare that they find reading boring. Their difficulty is not reading the words - it is interpreting them. They need to be able to read fast enough to feed the mind’s hunger for a strong and independent reader.
    Parents need to be convinced of the importance of preventing their children from wasting their hours on viewing. Without the television the child is likely to turn to books for entertainment.
    A) Answer the following questions:
    1- What is the writer’s main objection to video and TV ?
    2- Why is watching a story easier than reading it ?
    3- How can children be good readers ?
    B) Choose the correct answer:
    4- The underlined pronoun “They” refers to…………….. .
    a) the young b) video & TV c) children d) reading skills
    5- According to the writer’s view, TV is………….…..means of entertainment.
    a) not an effective b) an encouraging c) an effective d) not a cheap

    8- Write your reply to the following e-mail. Your name is Ahmed and your friend's e-mail address is tamer2000@yahoo.com

    I've just come back from a visit to a fantastic wildlife park on an island in the Mediterranean. I went with my family. It was very interesting. When we arrived, I couldn't believe my eyes. There were wild animals walking around everywhere - not in cages or behind fences. They were very friendly and you could touch them. We took photographs of the most interesting animals. Inside, there were some crocodiles that look a bit like small dinosaurs. Perhaps they're related in some way. They also had farm animals like cows and goats. My little brother really enjoyed feeding them.
    E-mail me back soon and tell me what you've been doing recently.

    - Tell your friend it was good to receive his e-mail.
    - Say something about his visit to the wildlife park.
    - Describe what you have been doing recently.

    9- A)Translate into Arabic:
    Science can affect us in different ways. Science can help us improve health, food production and nearly every aspect of our lives. However, modern science has created new problems such as global warming and environmental pollution.

    B) Translate into English:
    1- لا بد من بذل المزيد من الجهود لحماية الحيوانات البرية المهددة بالانقراض.
    2- يحاول العلماء إنتاج سلالات جديدة من النبات باستخدام الهندسة الوراثية

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 19, 2024 4:51 pm