
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى عام

    منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى unit 8


    المساهمات : 25
    تاريخ التسجيل : 11/01/2011
    العمر : 29

    منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى  unit 8  Empty منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الثانوى unit 8

    مُساهمة  ABDOALGN الأربعاء يناير 12, 2011 12:31 am

    UNIT 8

    Key Vocab:

    act يمثل/ يتصرف/عمل army جيش
    canoeing التجديف بالقوارب collection مجموعة
    admire يعجب بـ ball حفلة رقص
    debts ديون identical متطابق
    manual يدوي necklace عقد / قلادة
    savings مدخرات valuable قيم
    continuously باستمرار except (for) ما عدا


    specific محدد go fishing يذهب للصيد
    have a rest يأخذ قسطا من الراحة copy (n) نسخة
    social status = social position مكانة اجتماعية go canoeing يذهب للتجديف بالقوارب
    make money يجني مالا certainly بالتأكيد
    join the army يلتحق بالجيش receive an invitation يتلقي دعوة
    diamond ماس ashamed خجلان
    a replacement بديل repay يسدد ما عليه
    admiration إعجاب armed robbery سرقة بالإكراه
    armed forces القوات المسلحة identify يتعرف علي
    value (v/n) قيمة / يقيم franc فرنك
    heavy debts ديون ثقيلة exhausted منهك / مرهق
    feel proud يشعر بالفخر arms أسلحة
    character شخصية the Roman numbers الأرقام الرومانية
    face (v/n) وجه / يواجه traditional تقليدي
    several times مرات عديدة shape (n) شكل
    partner شريك force (v/n) قوة / يجبر
    lake بحيرة lack نقص / ينقصه
    have a holiday يقوم بإجازة flood (v/n) فيضان / يفيض
    earthquake زلزال volcano بركان
    hurricane إعصار grandparents أجداد
    a fireman رجل إطفاء repair = mend يصلح
    garage جاراج guest ضيف
    host مضيف hostess مضيفة
    go abroad يسافر للخارج a formal occasion مناسبة رسمية
    twins توأم final نهائي
    deceive يخدع deceitful خادع
    conscience ضمير duties واجبات
    rights حقوق self-confidence الثقة بالنفس
    separate منفصل / يفصل college = faculty كلية
    definition تعريف free time = spare time وقت الفراغ
    once a week مرة في الأسبوع twice a year مرتان في العام
    occasionally = sometimes أحيانا impressive مؤثر
    physical work عمل بدني mental work عمل ذهني
    a government clerk موظف حكومي a decade عقد (10 سنوات)
    poetry الشعر feel disappointed يشعر بخيبة الأمل
    assume يفترض appearance مظهر
    documents مستندات rectangular علي شكل مستطيل
    download from the internet يقوم بتحميل شيء من الانترنت

    Words and their antonyms:

    narrow ضيق wide واسع
    sufficient كاف insufficient غير كاف
    interesting مثير للاهتمام boring ممل
    traditional تقليدي modern حديث
    continue يستمر stop يتوقف
    open مفتوح closed مغلق
    wet مبلل dry جاف
    old قديم new جديد
    old كبير السن young صغير
    free غير مشغول busy مشغول
    initial أولي final نهائي
    little قليل (لا يعد) much كثير
    few قليل (يعد) many كثير
    the best الأفضل the worst الأسوأ
    put on يرتدي take off يخلع (ملابس)
    manual يدوي automatic آلي
    clockwise في اتجاه عقارب الساعة anticlockwise عكس اتجاه عقارب الساعة


    at the age of في سن fight for يحارب من أجل
    in the past في الماضي in the future في المستقبل
    at present في الحاضر at all times في كل الأوقات
    happy with/about سعيد بشأن the way to success الطريق إلي النجاح
    attached to = joined to موصل بـ consist of يتكون من
    play with a toy يلعب بلعبة describe something to someone يصف شيء لشخص
    perform in a play يقوم بالتمثيل في مسرحية mix with people يختلط بالناس
    a set of things مجموعة من الأشياء an invitation to دعوة إلي
    close to قريب من borrow .. from يقترض .. من
    lend .. to يعير أو يسلف لـ .. share … with يشترك في شيء مع
    owe money to يكون مدين بمال لـ go on holiday يذهب في أجازة

    Irregular Verbs:

    outdo/outdid/outdone يفوق overcome/overcame/ overcome يتغلب علي
    outgrow/outgrew/outgrown يفوقه في النمو oversee/oversaw/ overseen يراقب/يشرف علي
    outrun/outran/ outrun يسبق oversleep/overslept/ overslept يفرط في النوم
    write/wrote/written يكتب overtake/overtook/ overtaken يتجاوز (بالسيارة)
    withstand/withstood يتحمل overthrow/overthrew/ overthrown يقلب/يهزم


    Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
    collect يجمع collection مجموعة collective جماعي collectively بطريقة جماعية
    admire يعجب بـ admiration إعجاب admirable مثير للإعجاب admirably بشكل يثير الإعجاب
    manual يدوي manually يدويا
    act يمثل acting التمثيل
    actor ممثل

    Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

    culture الثقافة treatment معاملة / علاج
    customs عادات budget ميزانية
    traditions تقاليد benefits فوائــد
    a source of reliefمصدر ارتياح Investments استثمارات
    profits أرباح losses خسائـر
    alternative sources مصادر بديلة scientific progress تقدم علمي
    social problems مشكلات اجتماعية hard currency عملة صعبة

    Language Notes

    •wearيلبس / يكون مرتديا .. ( + مفعول . )
    • تستخدم wearلوصف عادة أو مظهر الشخص:
    • He was wearing his best suit at the party.
    • Policemen usually wear a uniform.
    • We wear light clothes in summer.
    • put onيقوم بارتداء .. ( + مفعول . )
    • Put on your coat – it’s cold.
    • She put on her uniform and went to school.
    • Hurry up. Put on your shoes. We are late for school.
    • dress يلبس (I) = get dressed (بدون مفعول )
    • She always dresses fashionably.
    •لاحظ انه في حالة وجود مفعول بعد dress يختلف المعني:
    • Can you dress the kids for me? يساعد شخص علي ارتداء ملابسه
    •be dressed in يكون مرتديا (بعدها مفعول) . = be wearing
    • He was dressed in a black suit. = He was wearing a black suit.

    •Suggest: + v-ing يقترح
    •He suggested sending Frank some flowers.
    •Suggest (that) +Sub+ inf.
    • He suggested that I prune the trees.يشذب
    • He suggested that she come early.
    • لاحظ أنه يمكن استخدام should في الجمـل السابقة :
    • He suggested that she should come early.

    •Ashamed of يشعر بالخجل من (خطأ ارتكبه الشخص مثلا)
    •Shy خجول بطبيعته
    • You made a big mistake. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    • My son was too shy to speak to the guests.

    • except (for) فيما عدا / باستثناء
    • Everyone went to the show except for Scott . (Scott was..)
    Scott was the only one who didn’t go to the show.
    •ملاحظات علي استخدام except / except for :
    1- نستخدم except فقط قبل حروف الجر وأدوات الربط:
    • It's the same everywhere except in Scotland.
    • He's good-looking except when he smiles.
    2- يستخدم الاسم أو ضمير المفعول بعد except / except for :
    • Everybody understands except me.
    • We are all ready except for her.
    3- لاحظ أن except that يأتي بعدها جملة:
    I know nothing about him except that he lives in Cairo.

    •Accept + n يقبل accept an invitation / an apology / a present
    •Expect to + inf. يتوقع
    •Expect … will
    • He accepted my invitation to the party .
    • She expects to find a good job soon.
    • I expect that she will pass the test.
    •تستخدم fy / ify لتكوين الفعل من بعض الكلمات:

    solid صلب solidify يحول لمادة صلبة pure نقي purify ينقي
    beautyالجمال beautify يجمل terror رعب terrify يرعب
    gas غاز gasify يحول لغاز liquid سائل liquefy يحول لسائل
    •Way of + V-ing طريقة لـ •way to + inf. طريقة لـ
    • There are many ways of solving the problem.
    • That's not the way to do the job.

    •Stop to + inf يتوقف لكي يفعل شيء
    •Stop + ر-ing. يتوقف عن عمل شيء
    • On his way to work, he stopped to buy a newspaper.
    • The doctor advised me to stop eating fatty food.

    • تستخدم الصيغة التالية للسؤال عن وصف شيء أو شخص:
    •What + be + فاعل + like …? = describe
    • What was life like in the past?
    • What is Ali like?
    • What is the weather like today?

    Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
    Choose the correct answer:
    1- This gold watch is so (valuable – cheap – inexpensive – worthless) and looks beautiful. It cost me a fortune.
    2- (Manual – Easy – Casual – Gradual) work can be very tiring and it is not very well-paid.
    3- I really (hate – astonish – dislike – admire) my grandfather. He has spent his whole life working to look after his family.
    4- She is going to spend some of her (accounts – taxes - savings – cheques) on a new car.
    5- (Savings- Coins – Currencies – Banknotes) are all the money you have not spent.
    6- A/An ( bracelet – earring – watch - necklace) is a piece of jewellery worn around the neck.
    7- (Usual – Habitual – Factual - Manual) work is done by people using their hands.
    8- To (recount – act – detect – apply)) means to be a character in a film or play.
    9- A (ball – call – fall – install) is a large formal occasion when people dance.
    10- (Optical – Classical – Identical – Critical) means exactly the same.
    11- He gave her some of his (savings – samples – saves – seeds) to buy a new dress.
    12- This morning I received an invitation (to – for – in – with) a meeting at my college.
    13- I'm going to borrow a dictionary (to - from –by – with) one of my friends.
    14- Before he retired, my uncle worked (like – alike - as – is) a hospital doctor.
    15- She was (wearing – dressing – acting – putting) a nice dress at the party.
    16- He suggested that I (applying – to apply – applies – apply) for the job.
    17- She stopped (to greet – greeting – greets – greetings) an old friend on her way to work.
    18- I've cleaned the house (expect – respect for - except for – accept) the bathroom.
    19- What was the party (like – alike – dislike – liken)? –It was wonderful.
    20- Her grandparents had to work hard (in – by – for – with) years before they could afford their own car.
    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- Ali and Peter look very similar accept that Ali is a little taller
    2- That's not the way to doing it - let me show you.
    3- He suggested to visit the museum.
    4- I really admit people who can work in such difficult conditions.
    5- They are selecting money for the new hospital.


    Used to + inf. تستخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن الماضي: •

    I used to rent a flat, but now I own one.
    He used to send letters to his friends, but now he sends e-mails.
     I used to play the guitar when I was young.
     He used to be a driver, but now he isn’t.
    •وفي حالة النفي :
    Didn't use to + inf.

     He didn’t use to smoke, but now he does.
    •وفي حالة السؤال :
    Did + فاعل + use to + inf. ..?

    Did she use to cry a lot when she was a baby?
    •تستخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن المضارع:
    am / is / are used to + -ing

     He is used to having a cup of coffee every morning.
    = He usually has a cup of coffee every morning.
    •وفي حالة السؤال:

    Is + فاعل + used to + V-ing. ..?

     Is she used to living on her own?
     Are they used to taking exercise?

    •تستخدم no longer بدلا من used to ويأتي بعدها الفعل في الضارع البسيط:
    • تستخدم any more / any longer بدلا من used to مع نفى الفعل في المضارع البسيط و تأتى في نهاية الجملة:
     He used to live here. (no longer)
    = He no longer lives here.
     He used to live here. (any more)
    = He doesn’t live here any more.

     He usually goes to the club on foot. (used to)
    = He is used to going to the club on foot..

     He didn’t like Chinese food when he was young, but he is used to it now.
    •لاحظ في الجملة السابقة أنه يمكن استخدام اسم أو ضمير بعد :be used to

    •لاحظ أنbe used to تأتى بمعني " يستخدم لكي " ويليها inf.:
     Water is used to generate electricity.
     Wood is used to make paper.
    •لاحظ أن:
    am / is / are used to + -ing = am / is / are in the habit of + ing

     He is in the habit of borrowing money from others. (used to)
    He is used to borrowing money from others.

    used to + inf. = was / were in the habit of + ing

     She used to sleep in class.. (in the habit of)
    She was in the habit of sleeping in class.
    Choose the correct answer:
    1. In those days, he (used to – uses to – is used to – doesn't use) enjoy fishing.
    2. He (is used to - used to – is used for – is used for) go canoeing on the river on Sundays.
    3. He (used to – no longer – doesn't use - is used to) spending all his free time writing.
    4. Did he (used to – use to – is used to – was used to) do anything else as well as writing?
    5. He (uses to – used to – no longer used – is used to) staying at home.
    6. When he was five years old, my brother (use – uses – used – used to) watch all the children's TV programmes.
    7. He (used to live – is used to living – used to living – uses to live) in Cairo. Now he lives in Alexandria.
    8. My sister (is used to – was used for – used to – no longer uses) help me with my science homework when I was little.
    9. She (used to work – is used to working – doesn't work – didn't work) here any more.
    10. She (doesn't use – no longer – any longer – any more) takes drugs.
    11. My sister likes going to bed early now. When she was little, she (is used – used to – no longer – was using) go to bed late.
    12. He used to be a famous singer, but now he (isn't – doesn't – couldn't – shouldn't).
    13. He is used to playing tennis every weekend, but years ago he (isn't – doesn't – didn't – shouldn't).
    14. She no longer (wear – wears – wearing – wore) glasses, but she used to (do – doing – did – does) that when she was young.
    15. She (didn't use to – has used to - isn’t used to – used to) living in a tropical climate.

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1. John is used to driving a ten-year-old small car, but now he drives a big new one.
    2. When I was young, I am used to have a phobia of spiders, but now I don't.
    3. I don't use to play computer games, but now I play them occasionally.
    4. When I was in Alexandria, I am used to going swimming every day.
    5. Where did you used to go for holiday when you were a child?
    6. He isn't used to having any guests, but now he has parties every weekend.
    7. They don't use to go camping for a holiday, but now they stay in the best hotels.
    8. People used to work very long hours, but now they work so many hours.
    9. The cities are used to being smaller, but now they are much bigger.
    10. People are used to travelling by horse and cart, but now they travel by cars.

    so + adj./adv. + that + sentence

    • في حالة وجود very تحذف:
    • The shirt was very nice. I couldn't resist buying it. (so … that)
    The shirt was so nice that I couldn't resist buying it.
    • She ran very quickly. She could catch the train. (so … that)
    She ran so quickly that she could catch the train.

    Such (a/an) + adj. + n. + that + sentence

    • تستخدم a/an في حالة وجود اسم مفرد يعد:
    • He was a stupid boy. He failed all the tests.
    He was such a stupid boy that he failed all the tests.
    • The furniture he bought was so wonderful that everyone admired it. (It was…)
    It was such wonderful furniture that everyone admired it.
    • لاحظ عدم استخدام a بعد such لأن كلمة furniture لا تعد:

    •في حالة عدم وجود اسم noun نستخدم اسم مناسب :
    • He was so reckless طائش/متهور that he had a terrible accident. (such…that)
    He was such a reckless driver that he had a terrible accident.
    • لاحظ أنه يمكن استخدام اسم noun فقط مع such في بعض الحالات

    such (a/an) + noun + that..

    • He was a coward. He ran away from the battlefield. (such)
    He was such a coward that he ran away from the battlefield.
    •He was a gentleman. He helped the old lady. (such)
    He was such a gentleman that he helped the old lady.

    Adj./Adv. + enough + (for +n. / pron. اسم/ ضمير ) + to-inf.

    •He was rich. He could buy an expensive car. (enough)
    He was rich enough to buy an expensive car.
    • تستخدم for + noun/pron. في حالة اختلاف الفاعل في الجملتين
    • The test was easy. He passed it. (enough)
    The test was easy enough for him to pass.
    • The shelf was low. She could reach it.
    The shelf was low enough for her to reach.

    • لاحظ أن too تفيد النفي: Too + adj./adv. + (for + n./ pron.) to-inf

    •He was very ill. He could not go to school. (too)
    He was too ill to go to school.
    • تستخدم for + noun/pron. في حالة اختلاف الفاعل في الجملتين:
    • The test was difficult. He couldn’t pass it. (too)
    The test was too difficult for him to pass.
    • لكي نستخدم enough بدلا من too ننفي الفعل و نستخدم عكس الصفة (والعكس عند استخــدام too بدلا من enough ):
    • He didn’t walk quickly enough to catch the bus. (too)
    He walked too slowly to catch the bus.
    • He was too ill to go to school. (enough)
    He was not well enough to go to school.
    •لاحظ الصفات التالية و عكسها :

    low high late early
    noisy quiet thin fat
    blunt sharp careless careful
    stupid intelligent / /clever smart slow fast / quick
    short long lazy active
    shallow deep short tall
    wide narrow small big
    strong weak cold hot
    poor rich boring interesting
    expensive cheap well ill
    new old old young
    easy hard / difficult foolish wise
    light heavy

    Choose the correct answer:
    1- It was (so – such – too – enough) cold yesterday that we decided to stay at home.
    2- She was (so – such – too – enough) weak to do any work.
    3- The suit was cheap (so – such – too – enough) for him to buy.
    4- The test was too difficult for him (so – that – to – too) pass.
    5- It was (so – too – such - such a) rainy day that we stayed indoors.
    6- He had (so – such – such a – too) much money that he could buy an expensive car.
    7- It is (so – too – enough – such) dangerous to sunbathe nowadays that people tend to stay in the shade.
    8- It was (so – too – enough - such a) difficult exercise that hardly anyone completed it.
    9- The article wasn't (easy enough – too easy – too difficult – difficult enough) for him to understand.
    10- The bed was (such – too – enough – so) uncomfortable for him to sleep in.

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- It is too a polluted area that no one can live there.
    2- The area is so polluted for anyone to live there.
    3- She is such young to drive a car.
    4- There was so much noise in the street for me to concentrate.
    5- There was enough a lot of noise in the street that I couldn’t concentrate.
    6- The clothes were too expensive for her that she could buy.
    7- This project is such complicated that we can’t take it on.
    8- She spoke such softly that no one could hear her
    9- There is enough much work for one person to handle.
    10- The food was such delicious that we ate it all.

    Test on Unit 8

    A- Language Functions
    1- Respond to the following situations:
    1- You are interviewing an older person about their education. You want to know whether or not he or she was a good school student. What do you ask?
    2- You want to know when this person began their first job. What do you ask?
    3- You are interviewing one of your grandparents for a school project. You want to know what his or her life was like when he or she was young. What do you ask?
    4- You want to know if this grandparent did anything when he or she was not working.

    2- Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:
    1- A: Can you show me where I can try this dress on?
    B: The fitting rooms are on the left over there.

    2- A: How long have you been feeling unwell?
    B: Since Sunday.
    A: Well, you need to take one of these tablets
    Three times a day and rest for three days.

    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3- Choose the correct answer:
    1- I don’t watch TV everyday any more, but I (am used to – used to – was used to – don't use to) do that years ago.
    2- (Does – Did – Is – Was) he used to waking up so early?
    3- (Is – Are – Do – Did) they use to eat junk food when they were at university?
    4- My brother (is used to – no longer - used to – used) have a beard but now he only has a moustache.
    5- When we were children, our father (was used – doesn't use – is used – used) to take us sailing on Sundays.
    6- He (is used to – was used – is used for – no longer) eating out as he doesn't enjoy cooking at home.
    7- She (used to – no longer – any longer – is used to) writes to us.
    8- She used to have long hair but now she (isn't - doesn’t – wasn't – couldn't).
    9- Many people have holidays (canoeing – camping – wrestling – boxing) on rivers or lakes.
    10- This shop is open every day (expect for – accept for - except for – concept for) Fridays.
    11- The city is flooded because it has rained (continuously – conveniently – comfortably – courageously) for the last three days.
    12- In some countries, young men have to join the (academy – economy – stormy – army) and train for a year.
    13- There is a wonderful (collection – reflection – election – conviction) of old books in our town library.
    14- Before you can be in a film or play, you have to learn to (react – abstract - act – attract).
    15- My cousins look exactly the same. They are (identical – arithmetical – archaeological – chemical) twins.
    16- I bought my sister a gold (reckless - necklace – jobless – senseless) as a wedding present.

    4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- He’s not used to drink so much coffee.
    2- He doesn't smoke no longer.
    3- The job was difficult enough for him to do.
    4- The tests are vertical to those carried out last year. They are exactly the same.
    5- Computer-controlled robots are taking over annual jobs in many industries.
    6- He was able to provide the police with some valueless information. This helped them to solve the crime.
    C- Reading Comprehension
    5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
    Nearly everything we do in the modern world is controlled by computers. Computers are far more efficient than human beings and they have very good memories and can store huge amounts of information. In addition to that, computers can do calculations in a fraction of time and can do many of the things we do, but faster and more accurately. That is why computers are widely used nowadays.

    Computers are used in many fields such as the field of health, arts and science. In the field of health, we use computers a lot in medicine nowadays. With the help of computers, doctors can keep patients’ records on a computer and any information about the patient can be obtained quickly and easily, besides working out what is wrong with a patient or the best treatment to give him or her.

    In the field of science, computers are generally associated with the world of science, maths, history and literature. You tell the computer which subject you are interested in and it supplies you with information in seconds.

    A) Answer the following questions:
    1- Why is the modern world controlled by computers?
    2- How is computer helpful in the field of medicine?
    3- Find words in the passage which mean: a) provide b) cure

    B. Choose the correct answer:
    4- Computers can store ------------- amounts of information.
    a) few b) massive c) little d) a few
    5- ------------- everything we do in the world is controlled by computers.
    a) Rarely b) Early c) Almost d) Never

    6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
    Egypt has made rapid progress in education because the future prosperity of any country lies in the hands of its children. It is therefore necessary to give the children all the knowledge and ability they will need in order to serve their country well when they have grown up. That's why Egypt has opened schools and institutes for the blind, dumb and physically handicapped children.
    One thing that always strikes a visitor to the schools is the modern style of architecture and the up-to-date equipment. The science laboratories and gymnasiums are excellently equipped and assemble halls with a proper stage encourage cultural activities.
    The development of education for girls has probably made more rapid progress in Egypt . More educated women will want to work as secretaries, teachers, journalists or in offices and shops.
    The ministry of education has not forgotten the thousands of people who are too old to take advantage of this fine new system of schools. Many of these schools are used in the evening by adults.
    A. Answer the following questions:
    1- What depends on the children of the country?
    2- What is the school visitor always impressed by?
    3- What will educated girls want to work?
    B. Choose the correct answer:
    4- There are special schools for the ----------------
    a) Deaf b) dumb c) blind d)all mentioned
    5- Many schools are used in the evening for the ---------------- education.
    a) adults’ b) children’s c) girls’ d) teenagers’
    D- Writing
    8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
    "How has the internet affected our lives?"
    Communications / getting more information / many fields of study / many services / entertainment

    9- A)Translate into Arabic:
    It is now clear that pollution has become a serious problem. It has harmful effects on human beings as well as other living creatures. Conferences are held every now and then to think of ways to get rid of pollution.

    B) Translate into English:
    1- إن مشروع الدلتا الجديدة سوف يساعد مصر في حل مشاكلها الاقتصادية
    2- تسعي الدولة إلي توفير الآلاف من فرص العمل للشباب .

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين أبريل 29, 2024 5:05 am